Kava Awa Yaqona

  • Drink KAVA & Feel the Mellow Vibe.

  • Kava is known as the Drink of Peace. Here on the Garden Island of Kauai we promote Universal Peace & Positivity with Respect to our Ancestors of the Hawaii and Pacific Islands. ALOHA!

Drink KAVA & Feel the Mellow Vibe.

Kava is known as the Drink of Peace. Here on the Garden Island of Kauai we promote Universal Peace & Positivity with Respect to our Ancestors of the Hawaii and Pacific Islands. ALOHA!

Waialeale Kava Source Products

Available on Kauai @

Healthy Hut - Kilauea

Havaiki - Hanalei

Aloha Juice Bar - Hanalei

Limahuli Tropical Botanical Garden - Haena

Hoku Foods - Kapa'a & Koloa

Awa Hale - Kapa'a

Vim & Vigor - Lihue

Health Go - Lihue

On O'ahu @

Down To Earth - Kaka'ako

Down To Earth - King St.

Down To Earth - Kailua

Down To Earth - Pearl City

Down To Earth - Kapolei

On Maui @

Down To Earth - Kahului

Alive & Well - Kahului

Mana Foods - Paia

Kula MarketPlace - Kula